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On This Day: Baltimore NAACP and the Little Rock Nine

On This Day

September 28, 1958

How cool would it be to time travel 61 years into the past and sit in historic Bethel AME Church in Old West Baltimore to hear native son, Thurgood Marshall and fellow Lincoln University graduate, Robert Nix, talk about the Little Rock Nine case?

In addition you'd get the chance to rub shoulders with the who's who of Black Baltimore: Dr. Lillie Carroll Jackson (President of Baltimore NAACP) ; Dr. Carl J. Murphy (AFRO American Newspaper Publisher and General Chairman of Baltimore NAACP); and Rev. Harrison J. Bryant, pastor of Bethel AME Church who later became a bishop. He's also the father of future Bishop John R. Bryant and grandfather of Pastor Jamal Harrison Bryant.

The postcard was addressed to Rev. Edmond Meade, who was known as "Mr. Civil Rights."

In 1958, the Baltimore Branch of the NAACP was housed at 402 Dolphin Street. This building is no longer extant.

To learn more about the Little Rock Nine, visit:


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