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Eddie Green, Native Son of Baltimore


(c. 1891-1950)

Comedian, actor, songwriter, restaurant owner, and owner of film and radio companies)


A few of his Baltimore performances/films included #TheStarTheatre, #TheRegentTheatre, #TheNewLincolnTheatre, #PalaceTheatre, and the #DunbarTheatre.

Eddie's aunt was none other than #MaryFHandy, wife of #AME Bishop James A. Handy, #OldWestBaltimore residents.

Some people may know the song, "#AGoodManisHardtoFind", which was written by Eddie Green. Over 75 artists have performed this song, including #SophieTucker.

Please go and buy the book, "Eddie Green: The Rise of an Early 1900s African American Entertainment Pioneer" (Bear Manor Media, 2016) written by my friend (and Eddie's daughter) Elva Green.

Also, be on the lookout for future information about Eddie Green's Baltimore interactions.

All items courtesy of Nanny Jack & Co Archives.

#NegroHistoryDetective 🕵🏽‍♂️

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