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Tell Me More and Then Some

I am pleased to announce that Tell Me More and Then Some, a documentary about the history of Jazz in Baltimore from the days of Billie Holiday and Pennsylvania Avenue to the present, is now available on YouTube. Beginning in January, a new episode will be released each month.

You can watch the first two episodes below:

As the film’s associate producer, lead historian, and major content provider through my company, Nanny Jack and Co, my goal was to make sure Baltimore got the recognition it deserves as a major contributor in the evolution of the different genres of Black Music. As with any documentary, not all significant players, organizations, or themes are covered. While this one is no different, I believe this film does provide a large overview of the significant aspects of Black Music.

If you would like to have a film keepsake, order Tell Me More and Then Some: The Official Documentary Tie-In at the NannyJackAndCo Etsy Shop.

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