Philip J. MerrillMay 1, 2022Black Medical PioneersOne of these prominent medical doctors will be featured in the upcoming conference, "#RaceAndRacisminAcademicMedicine" Hosted by...
Philip J. MerrillApr 25, 2022On This Date: United Negro College Fund Founded#OTD- April 25, 1944 #UnitedNegroCollegeFund #UNCF #Founders #MaryMcLeodBethune #FrederickDouglassPatterson #WilliamJohnsonTrentJr On...
Philip J. MerrillApr 5, 2022Artifactual Journey of Black North Carolina#TintypeTuesday #BettyKoger #ForsythCountyNorthCarolina #ArtifactualJourney 🌍 🗺 Just a little preview for my...
Philip J. MerrillMar 9, 2022Women's History Month: Black Women of the Cloth#WomensHistoryMonth #HERstory #BlackWomenoftheCloth From left to right: #RevHelenaMason #EvangelistHarrietColeBaker #EvangelistGRKing...
Philip J. MerrillFeb 10, 2022Happy Birthday Chick Webb!#HappyBirthdayWilliamHenryChickWebb February 10, 1905 #HistoricEastBaltimoreBlackTreasures Born at #513LewisStreet Raised at...
Philip J. MerrillFeb 9, 2022Nanny Jack & Co, LLC in the Big AppleThe #NegroHistoryDetective and his trusty assistant #VeronicaACarr are off to #NY for an exciting new opportunity! Flying on the big bird...
Philip J. MerrillFeb 3, 2022Subscribe to Nanny Jack Tv YouTube ChannelVisit, search for "Nanny Jack TV" and click on the Subscribe button. It's that easy! Also, follow our other social media...